Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Resolve to Progress

Sure it's the end of January instead of the beginning. So what? The DAY is new, just like it is every morning. What do you resolve today?

I resolve to make progress.

On what, you ask? Nothing earth-shattering. Just progress. Leaving a room cleaner than it was when I entered it. Not putting off that task I don't enjoy until tomorrow. Small extra payments toward that annoying loan. Daily steps forward in my remodeling job. Progress.

Perhaps in the process someone close to me (small people?) will understand that progress is important and resolve to the same.

But I'm going to progress regardless.

1 comment:

  1. I was very sick and in the hospital in November. I'd really been struggling with the aftermath of my surgery. My doctors sent me to see a therapist who gave me the best advice I’ve ever received. “Every day do a little better than you did the day before. If you take even the tiniest step towards achieving any of your goals, at the end of the day you’ve been successful.” Reading your post reminded me of that, and I needed it. Thanks 
